Splish Splash Swimming - St Patricks BNS

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Splish Splash Swimming



2 weeks ago 5 th class and 2 nd class started swimming lessons up in Mayfield Swimming Complex every Friday. When we first got up there, we got togged out and had a quick shower before we got in. When we walked out of the changing room we got split up into four groups – the group in the shallow end, the group just above the shallow end, the group just above that, and the 1.3m mark group.
 I’m in the 1.3m group, the one nearest to the deep end. Our instructor's name is Shane, who’s pretty nice. We learn to the front crawl, the backstroke, the butterfly and basically how to swim. Near the end of our lesson, we have a 10-minute play-time to meet up with your friends in other groups. One of my favourite bits about swimming is that you go home nearly as soon as you come back to school. All the instructors are kind and I look forward to going again next week.

By Rhys Olotu 5th class


Splish Splash Swimming!

Every year, classes from 2nd to 6th go swimming on Fridays for 6 weeks in Mayfield Swimming Pool. When we get there after lunch break, we go to the pool dressing rooms and get togged out. When we enter the pool area we head over to the balcony.There are 4 swimming levels for people. We have about 40 mins to swim and after that we get 5 minutes to play in the pool. We learn various swim strokes with different swim teachers.  The instructors are very kind and make sure we swim properly. After swimming, we get changed back into our school tracksuits and head back into captivity in school. [HAHAHHAHAHA] Every time we have so much fun. We also learn a lot!

By Ben Heffernan and Alex Mc Carthy

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