Cork City Sports - St Patricks BNS

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Cork City Sports


Interview with Jamie and Kaylen

I interviewed Kaylen Buckley and Jamie Lee Curtin from Ms Butler’s Fifth Class about the City Sports trials and these are some of the responses I received.
Interviewer- ‘How does it feel to get into city sports?’
Kaylen- ‘It’s really hard and you have to keep training but it feels great’.
Jamie- ‘You feel happy like all your work has finally paid off.’
Interviewer- ‘How often did you train for the trial?’
Kaylen- ‘I trained at least 3 times a week.’
Jamie- ‘I kept fit by running up and down my garden every day.’  

Interviewer- ‘What advice would you give to boys who would like to get into the City Sports?’
Kaylen- ‘Stay healthy by eating lots of fruit and vegetables and most importantly never give up.’
Jamie- ‘If you fall get up and keep running.’

Interviewer- ‘How confident did you feel?’
Kaylen- ‘Nervous but excited and pumped to run!’
Jamie- ‘It didn’t feel like I was going to win I was delighted that I came 1 st.’

Interviewer- ‘Have you ever been to the City Sports before?’
Kaylen- ‘Yes this will be my 4 th time!!’
Jamie- ‘No this will be my first time but I am excited and thrilled to represent my school!’

Interview conducted By James Mullane

City Sports Trials

On the 12 th April the whole school went to the tank field to try out for the city sports. The first age group to start was 2011, they all lined up on the starting line and all ran! They were like bullets! All giving it their all and bolting towards the end around 60 meters away from them. Next were 2012 doing the same; lining up and running. They were faster as expected and the race was over way quicker! Every year went after each other until 2005. The winners were chosen straight after their race and were given a green or orange leaflets, green meaning you were running in the city sports and orange meaning you are a substitute just in case anything happened (Such as if someone was sick or injured). The people who got the green leaflets were   and the people who got the orange leaflets were  . The day was great and many people were happy with the result.

By Farhan Fahim

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